Kani Lent is a multidisciplinary artist, filmmaker and researcher based in Berlin.

They utilize various media and archival practices which they  assemble into ongoing time-based media fragment-installations as tools to engage with research areas of (westasian) refiguration and mythmaking, history of perception, contemporary media culture, information circulation, cybernetics and form.


Exhibition history
Selected exhibitions, residencies, writing

Full CV and Portfolio via Mail

Recent selected shows, writing and residencies:

// Afterlives of the empire- Encounters between art and academia residency and exhibition-
developed by Prof. Gesa Stedman and exhibited at Lichhof Ost Gallery, Humbolduniversity, Berlin

// 1,2, on Joyfully waiting- online platform for soundart

// Hyperstition
group show at Museum for photograpy, Berlin, curated by Marlena von Wedel 

// Let’s See What We Find, group show at Museum für Fotografie, Berlin curated by Sebastian Peter

// Lensbased variety show and tell at Temporary Home @ Documenta 15, screening, Kassel

// Four Walls of My Room, group show at Acud, Berlin

//Collaborative soundpiece on EOS Radio 

// Silver Lining at Halbhaus, Berlin, curated by Kunzten

// A thousand withins, sound piece, Refuge Radio, Berlin

// Artificial Follies, group show at Transmediale / CTM Vorspiel, Silent Green, Berlin 

// ReKin at Photo Schweiz, Zürich

// writing in Para-Educational Papers

// Queer Formats at Xanadu, screening, Berlin

// LORE at Gelegenheiten, group show, Berlin


Kani Lent is a multidisciplinary artist, filmmaker and researcher based in Berlin.

They utilize various media and archival practices which they assemble into ongoing time-based media fragment-installations as tools to engage with research areas of (westasian) refiguration and mythmaking, history of perception, contemporary media culture, information circulation, cybernetics and form.


03/2022 single channel video, sound, 3:31 min
Alienated sleepwalker
in onerous labyrinths,
devout selfrighteous rejector
of the shut-eye-
sacfrificially wither and
eternally tread in the wake of the eye, 
you with yourself
wihout precedent
and howl at the subjugated.

installation view at Acud Gallery

installation view at Acud Gallery Berlin
