Palimpsetic Feverdream Ontology
Photoseries, photographed in Tehran 2019, digitally edited 2023/24 in Europe, 4.752 × 3.168
The process of revisiting and reviewing these photographs which were connected to another structural context and altering them over the years adding layers through changing reflections and feelings, distance growing has shaped the evolution and stitching of these images. A translucent overwriting that spins a web of overlapping contexts by addition, retraction, blurring, exchanging and other transformatory tools. Loosing traces of memory through time filling the gaps by feverdreamlike traces. A visual palimpsest.

Appearance of Appearances
Photoseries, photographed in Tehran 2019, digitally edited 2023/24 in Europe, 4.752 × 3.168
,I shall give up lines and give up counting syllables too.
And I will seek refuge
from the mob
of finite measured forms
in the sensitive planes of expanse.’
Forugh Farrokhzad

Watch here
Current version with text via mail*
Video- and Soundwork, 3D Animation in Unreal Engine;
03:38 min, single channel, 2023
,It was as if the strange bed where I’d been spending my nights of late had become a kind of medium, dispatching warning signals to me across unseen wires from the realm of exile and homeless wandering.’
Ghada Samman

Installationview at Silent Green- exhbition at CTM Vorspiel

duration of sound 02:15,
wood fiber boards,
metal hinges, photography and found images,
stamped words with black ink
Installationview at Museum for photography Berlin,
Seen By #19: Hyperstition – exhibition curated by Marlena von Wedel
Installationview at Museum for photography Berlin,
Seen By #19: Hyperstition – exhibition curated by Marlena von Wedel

two channel video, stereo sound, 03:54min, animation
itself to
itself of
Installation view at Museum for photography Berlin, exhibition-
Let’s see what we can find
curated by Sebastian Peter
![Installation view at Museum für Fotografie Berlin]()
Installation view at Museum for photography Berlin, exhibition-
Let’s see what we can find
curated by Sebastian Peter